Jumat, 24 November 2017

MeeTip Kriptocurrency yang digunakan OutMySphere

Apa itu MeeTip ... ? 

MeeTip adalah kripto yang akan digunakan melalui OutMySphere. Dengan MeeTip, Anda dapat menawarkan minuman ke teman Anda atau ke teman jiwa Anda; dan memberi tip kepada karyawan pilihan Anda untuk pendirian apa pun. MeeTip merupakan token Ethereal berbasis ERC20 yang digunakan untuk semua transaksi dalam OutMySphere dan transfer nilai antara dompet MeeTip.

MeeTip saat ini menawarkan ICO dan sebanyak 27.000.000 token MTIP tersedia untuk penjualan umum. Masuk lebih awal, Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk menjadi yang pertama di dunia yang memiliki koin MeeTip dan karena lebih banyak pengguna bergabung dengan OutMySphere, permintaan akan MeeTip akan meningkat.

Apa Itu  OutMySphere ... ?

OutMySphere adalah proyek hibrida yang menggabungkan pengukuran dan pertemuan penonton. Tersedia di iOS dan Android, OutMySphere memungkinkan Anda memvisualisasikan bar, kafe, restoran dan banyak tempat lain di sekitar Anda, untuk memvisualisasikan orang-orang yang
berada, situasi sentimental mereka dan untuk berhubungan dengan mereka.

OutMySphere adalah semacam aplikasi mobile sosial yang memungkinkan Anda mengetahui siapa yang ada di bar, restoran, klub malam, kopi, kasino atau gym kebugaran dan dengan aplikasi ini dan berinteraksi dengan mereka, OutMySphere tersedia di iOS dan Android. Dengan aplikasi ini, Anda akan melihat siapa saja di setiap perusahaan dan Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan mereka, contohnya di OutMySpher Anda dapat menawarkan minuman kepada wanita atau pria di klub atau tempat terkait lainnya dan Anda juga bisa, memberi tip kepada pelayan untuk pekerjaan dengan baik.


Dengan OutMySphere Jadikan pertunjukanmu lebih semarak
  • Lihatlah tempat-tempat di sekitar Anda termasuk bar, restoran, kopi, kasino, klub malam dan gym kebugaran.
  • Kenali secara real time jumlah orang yang hadir dalam pendirian yang dipilih sebaik nama dan fotonya.
  • Ketahuilah jika teman Facebook Anda hadir di sebuah perusahaan.
  • Temukan lokasi favorit Anda dengan menu 'Favorit' dengan cepat.
  • Layanan pesan terenkripsi memberi Anda kemungkinan untuk mengobrol dengan orang lain yang hadir dalam pendirian yang sama dengan Anda.

Dengan MeeTip tawarkan Minuman dan Tip

  • Dengan Fungsi 'Drink' yang dapat digunakan di tempat-tempat seperti bar memungkinkan Anda menawarkan 'cocktail persahabatan' ke teman Facebook Anda yang berada di sebuah bar, dan juga menawarkan 'koktail cinta' kepada pria atau wanita yang Anda sayangi saat Anda berada di tempat yang sama. Orang yang bersangkutan bebas menerima atau menolak undangan.
  • Dengan fungsionalitas 'Tip', Anda bisa memberi tip kepada karyawan pilihan Anda, apakah itu pelayan, energik atau bahkan si juru masak. Cukup klik pada pendirian di mana Anda berada, pilih karyawan yang diinginkan dan bayar jumlah yang Anda inginkan dengan dompet Anda yang berisi MeeTip Anda.
Kedua fungsionalitas ini dapat digunakan dengan MeeTip, cryptocurrency yang disematkan ke OutMySphere menggunakan Blockwork Etereum. 

Tujuan ICO 

Kami mengumpulkan dana untuk mengembangkan OutMySphere. 
  1. Pertama, kami akan terus membangun kembali aplikasi dalam bahasa asli di iOS dan Android dan memperbaiki perancangannya agar lebih 'bersahabat'. Kemudian, kami akan mengintegrasikan dompet ke aplikasi untuk mengaktifkan fitur 'Minuman' dan 'Tip'. Beberapa pengembang baru akan dipekerjakan. 
  2. Sejalan dengan itu, kami akan menangani pemasaran dengan ajakan pendirian. Kami akan memfokuskan kampanye kami pada iklan bertarget, dibantu oleh Proxistore (lihat Advisors) untuk menjangkau pemilik bar, restoran dan kafe. Kami juga akan mempromosikan aplikasi seluler di berbagai media seperti jaringan sosial dan iklan TV.


Pra-ICO kami akan dimulai pada tanggal 3 November 2017 01:00 GMT dan berlangsung selama 7 hari sampai tanggal 10 November 2017 01:00 GMT. Kami hanya menerima mata uang ETH. Pra-ICO kami memiliki tingkat bonus eksklusif 900 MTIP per 1 ETH untuk keseluruhan periode tanpa tujuan minimum. Presale ini bertujuan mengumpulkan dana untuk mengiklankan dan memasarkan ICO utama.

ICO Utama 

ICO kami dimulai pada tanggal 17 November 2017 01:00 GMT dan akan berlangsung selama 4 minggu sampai tanggal 15 Desember 2017 01:00 GMT. Kami hanya menerima mata uang ETH.
Bonus selama ICO :
  • First Day 1 ETH = 800 MTIP 
  • Week 1 1 ETH = 750 MTIP
  • Week 2 1 ETH = 700 MTIP
  • Week 3 1 ETH = 650 MTIP

Alasan Berkontribusi 

  • Karena jumlah koin MeeTip dibatasi sampai 30.000.000 dan tidak ada koin lebih lanjut yang bisa dibuat karena hukum ketat kontrak cerdas.
  • Semua koin yang dijual di dalam pre-ICO dan ICO utama akan menjadi satu-satunya MeeTip yang pernah beredar. Setelah OutMySphere selesai dan mengintegrasikan koin MeeTip, permintaan MeeTip akan meningkat, karena lebih banyak orang menuntutnya sebagai bentuk pembayaran untuk kacamata dan tip.
  • Karena program buy back kami, peluang MeeTip memasuki pasar bullish setelah menyentuh bursa sangat tinggi. Jika tren bullish menempel, harga MeeTip harus terus meningkat. 
  • Harga bonus ditawarkan untuk setiap periode ICO. Bagi kontributor, berpartisipasi selama ICO itu berarti dia akan menerima tarif dasar 1 ETH = 600 MTIP plus bonus saat ini berlaku.

Cara Berkontribusi 

Ada peraturan dan tindakan pencegahan yang ketat untuk diikuti saat berpartisipasi dalam ICO MeeTip, yaitu : 
  • Kirim ETH dari dompet Ethereum pribadi Anda seperti MyEtherWallet, Metamask, Mist, Parity, Ledger atau dompet pribadi apapun.
  • Jangan mengirim dana dari bursa seperti Bittrex, Poloniex, Kraken dll.
  • Jangan mengirim dana Anda sebelum orang banyak mulai.
  • MTIP akan segera dikirim ke dompet asal ETH.
Kami telah menyiapkan semua dokumentasi yang dibutuhkan untuk dicatatkan di bursa. Kami saat ini berbicara dengan dua bursa dan berencana untuk terdaftar paling tidak satu bursa utama satu bulan setelah akhir ICO.

Peta Jalan 

Kami berencana untuk mendesentralisasi sepenuhnya dengan menggunakan aplikasi blockchain yang sudah ada. Semua data akan disimpan di blockchain pada Q4 2018 dan akan menggantikan database MongoDB kami, seperti yang tercantum dalam roadmap kami. Dompet MeeTip akan berisi koin Anda dan akan dapat diakses dari browser web. Selain itu, dompet akan diberikan kepada setiap pengguna OutMySphere di dalam aplikasi untuk memanfaatkan fungsionalitas Minuman
dan Tip.

Peluncuran dompet MeeTip direncanakan pada tahun 2018. Layanan messasing memungkinkan Anda mengobrol dengan orang-orang di sekitar Anda dan teman Anda. Anda juga akan memiliki kemampuan untuk segera mengirim MeeTip ke mereka. Untuk melindungi privasi, enkripsi pesan end-to-end akan diintegrasikan. Dengan ini, hanya Anda dan orang yang Anda komunikasikan dapat membaca apa yang dikirim, dan tidak ada seorang pun di antara keduanya, bahkan bukan kita.

Tim MeeTip 

Penasihat MeeTip 

Untuk Informasi Lebih tentang MeeTip silahkan kunjungi link berikut ini : 

Created By : Panda_Pendek
My Bitcointalk Profil :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1185206
My Ethereum Address : 0xaC13F35Eb6662986d5477267294Fe62c529A6b0d

Senin, 20 November 2017

Pundi X, Aplikasi Pertama Transaksi Kriptocurrency

Tentang Pundi X

Pundi X diluncurkan oleh tim Wokoworks dimana tim Wokoworks telah berhasil
mengembangkan aplikasi dompet digital yang menjangkau pasar Asia Tenggara, dan dengan
cepat telah menjadi salah satu aplikasi pembayaran berbasis QR Code (seperti Alipay) terbesar
di Indonesia.

Pundi X adalah aplikasi pertama dalam hal transaksi kriptocurrency. Jumlah penggemar Cryptocurrency yang banyak, tidak menciptakan sejumlah besar orang dalam yang memegang bitcoin. Alasan yang ditemukan tidak lain hanyalah karena mereka tidak bisa membeli bitcoin secara real time, dimana saja dan kapan saja. Hal ini didasarkan pada jumlah koin yang beredar di pasar kriptocurrency itu sendiri. Pundi X adalah aplikasi solusi yang bisa memecahkan masalah penting dengan membantu orang awam untuk membeli kriptocurrency. Pundi X juga memungkinkan Investor, Developer, Trader, dan Blockchain Companies untuk memanfaatkan solusi Pundi X. Pundi X sebagai salah satu inovasi yang mengerti keinginan pemain kriptocurrency dalam membeli bitcoin secara langsung. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan semua pemain kriptocurrency untuk membeli bitcoin di toko atau gerai yang menyediakan aplikasi Pundi X.

Pundi X menargetkan untuk menjadi jaringan penjualan cryptocurrency offline terbesar
seperti Walmart dan 7-Eleven – yang menyediakan solusi penjualan cryptocurrency offline
pertama yang meliputi:

  • Jaringan penjualan yang terdesentralisasi
  • Dompet multi mata uang digital yang menyimpan Mata uang dan cryptocurrency
  • Platform multi-pertukaran terdesentralisasi
  • Platform ICO terdesentralisasi

Diciptakan untuk ekosistem

Jaringan yang dibangun Pundi X bertujuan untuk melayani ekosistem tersebut. Membantu pengembang dan pemegang token blockchain untuk menjangkau konsumen offline yang belum tersentuh, yang memungkinkan orang biasa membeli token Anda, menggunakan layanan Anda, atau hanya belajar tentang apa yang Anda tawarkan.

Pundi X terdiri dari:

  1. Perangkat Pundi X POS - mesin fisik yang menggunakan XPlugins kami dan terhubung ke blockchain Ethereum. Perangkat ini tersedia di toko dan pedagang eceran  di dekat Anda, terhubung bersama untuk membentuk jaringan penjualan offline terbesar di dunia. 
  2. Pundi X Blockchain - berdasarkan blockchain Ethereum. Smart contract digunakanuntuk menyimpan data transaksi dan ranking kredit yang kemudian dicatat di  blockchain, memastikan tingkat kepercayaan yang tinggi pada jaringan yang  terdesentralisasi dan aman. Semua perangkat Pundi X POS memiliki XPlugins.
  3. Token PXS - mata uang yang memberi nilai pada Pundi X. Contoh, setiap kali penjual ingin membuat daftar cryptocurrency baru untuk dijual di gerai yang berpartisipasi,  penjual harus membeli token PXS untuk mendaftarkan cryptocurrency baru mereka  atau menggunakan token PXS untuk membeli iklan. Seiring bertambahnya jumlah  perangkat Pundi X POS, begitu juga permintaan terhadap PXS. Dalam ICO mendatang,  30% dari PXS akan didistribusikan dengan sisanya didistribusikan ke pemegang PXS  selama dua tahun berikutnya.

Dua model Pundi X POS sedang dikembangkan : 

Solusi yang diberikan Pundi X :

Mendigitalisasi semua toko fisik. Membeli cryptocurrency menggunakan fiat, kartu debit/kredit bank, dompet elektronik, atau Pundi X Pass.
Pundi X POS

  • Membeli cryptocurrency menggunakan fiat atau kartu debit/kredit bank
  • Menjual cryptocurrency anda
  • Mendukung metode pembayaran online
  • Menggunakan cryptocurrency untuk mengisi ulang pulsa telepon Menggunakan cryptocurrency untuk membayar berbagai tagihan
  • Menggunakan cryptocurrency untuk membelu barang

Pundi X Pass
Menggunakan Pundi X Pass untuk menyimpan cryptocurrency secara aman, membeli dan menjual hanya dengan sekali gesek. Semua orang dapat melakukannya.
Integrasi Pembayaran Mobile
Dompet digital yang dapat dihubungkan dengan Pundi X dapat digunakan untuk membeli, menjual dan menggunakan cryptocurrency.
Mendukung pengisian ulang

Menggunakan fiat atau kartu debit/kredit bank untuk membeli cryptocurrency di semua lokasi yang mendukung Pundi X POS, proses pengisian ulang sangat mudah (diisi ke website atau dompet offline).

Target Pertumbuhan: 100,000 perangkat dalam 3 tahun

Pundi X berfokus pada Asia Tenggara dan Indonesia adalah pasar terpenting kami.
Setengah dari seluruh orang Asia Tenggara tinggal di Indonesia. Kami memiliki tim lokal
dengan pemahaman mendalam tentang pasar Indonesia - dan kami memiliki produk yang
sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar. Kami akan menghabiskan waktu 2 tahun untuk membangun liputan luas tentang minimarket, pusat perbelanjaan, toko ritel, gerai waralaba, kafe, restoran dan gerai lainnya.

Kami akan menggunakan aplikasi Pundi Booster auntuk menggapai jumlah penjual yang
semakin banyak (Pundi Booster telah diluncurkan July 2017). Tujuan kami adalah agar
pengguna bisa membeli cryptocurrency dalam radius lima menit dari satu toko ke toko lainnya.
Setelah mencapai tujuan kami di Indonesia, kami akan memperluas ke Thailand,
Malaysia, Singapura dan pasar regional lainnya.

Setelah mencapai tujuan kami di Indonesia, kami akan memperluas ke Thailand,
Malaysia, Singapura dan pasar regional lainnya. Rencana kami adalah berekspansi ke Asia
Tenggara dalam 3 tahun.Pada saat bersamaan kita akan menjelajahi bagian lain Asia, Amerika dan Eropa menggunakan model agen kemitraan

Cara Kerja dan Manfaat PXS Token yang di gunakan Pundi X

PXS adalah token yang digunakan untuk Pundi X. Investor ICO yang telah memiliki PXS
akan diberikan timbal balik berupa pertumbuhan nilai jangka panjang, dan secara alternatif
PXS dapat digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi di dalam ekosistem. User yang ingin
menggunakan jaringan penjualan Pundi X harus memiliki Pundi X. Seiring dengan
pertumbuhan jaringan Pundi X, permintaan akan PXS juga akan bertambah dan investor tahap
awal akan mendapatkan keuntungan terbesar sebanding dengan pertumbuhan nilai dari PXS

itu sendiri.
Menggunakan PXS untuk menjual Cryptocurrency

Setiap toko fisik memiliki 'rak penjualan imajiner', dan pengembang serta investor
cryptocurrency dapat mencantumkan cryptocurrency mereka sendiri di 'rak' ini, sehingga
memudahkan pengunjung toko membuat pilihan dan membeli cryptocurrency yang terdaftar.
Perangkat Pundi X mendukung token ERC dan cryptocurrencies utama.

Seorang penjual bisa masuk ke platform Pundi X dan daftar cryptocurrency yang dijual
di 'rak'. Penjual mencari area tertentu di mana dia ingin menjualnya, berdasarkan kriteria
pilihan. Setelah dipilih, sistem akan menampilkan harga untuk listing. Misalnya, jika penjual
telah memilih 100 toko di Central Business District, dan harga yang harus dikeluarkan adalah

280PXS / hari, dengan membayar 8400PXS, cryptocurrency mereka terdaftar selama 30 hari.

Using PXS to advertise

Ada berbagai cara untuk mengiklankan cryptocurrency baru atau item fisik lainnya menggunakan PXS termasuk di Platform Pundi X. Saat ini, iklan ditampilkan di kuitansi dan pesan sms.
Selanjutnya, kita akan mengiklankan hal tersebut di panel layar datar. Ruang iklan yang dijual dilelang dengan cara yang mirip dengan Google Adsense, kecuali iklan yang tampil di dunia fisik, bukan online.

Misalnya, jika pengiklan ingin mempromosikan cryptocurrency baru dengan memasang iklan disemua kuitansi tercetak, dia harus langsung masuk ke Platform Pundi X, memilih area yang lebih disukai, misalnya, semua toko di Bangkok. Platform kemudian akan menyarankan agar biaya 10.000 iklan tercetak pada kuitansi adalah 0.2 / PXS, jadi jika tawaran dibuat untuk 0,25 / PXS, maka tawaran pengiklan akan diterima.

Mendukung aplikasi dompet digital

Aplikasi Pundi-Pundi memiliki dompet digital yang mendukung API Pundi X Wallet, sehingga semua fitur Pundi X akan dibawa ke aplikasi Pundi-Pundi. Misalnya, dengan menggunakan Platform Pundi X Anda juga bisa membeli iklan di Pundi-Pundi. Di masa depan, API dompet Pundi X akan terhubung ke berbagai aplikasi fintech, pembayaran dan dompet digital. Semua aplikasi ini akan menikmati manfaat akses ke ekosistem Pundi X yang luas, termasuk kemampuan untuk membeli cryptocurrency langsung di aplikasi.

Semua cryptocurrency ERC20 dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pembayaran di lokasi perangkat Pundi X POS. Pengembang dapat menggunakan dompet digital untuk terhubung ke API Pundi X dan membuat kontrak cerdas untuk setiap pedagang. Pengembang bahkan dapat menetapkan biaya transaksi yang berbeda untuk berbagai negara. Begitu seorang pedagang menyetujui sebuah kontrak yang cerdas, maka kripto yang baru diterima dapat dijual di toko yang memungkinkan pembelian kebutuhan sehari-hari. Pundi X memungkinkan pengembang untuk menggunakan layanan ini secara gratis karena semua pengguna Pundi X adalah pelanggan potensial, dan meningkatkan penggunaan kriptografi dengan berbagai macam aplikasi

PXS Token Sale 

Untuk Informasi PUNDI X Lebih Lanjut Silahkan Kunjungi Link dibawah ini :

  • Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pundixlabs/

Rabu, 15 November 2017

MicroMoney For People BigData For Business

What Is MicroMoney?

Micromoney a global fintech-blockchain company, announced the launch of its updated scoring system which is based on Big Data tools and neural networks. The company uses these technologies in the process of loan-applications approval in its lending-services line of business. The system works with all the data from a borrower’s mobile phone gathered after a customer completes the online application form within the MicroMoney’s mobile app and agrees to give the company access to personal data. MicroMoney’s solution uses thousands of alternative data points from multiple sources, combined with the sophisticated algorithms to return accurate results.

After a customer completes the application form, a loan can be approved in literally two clicks and within some minutes. Behind the scene is sophisticated technology which is able to quickly come through in analyzing process over 12,000 points of data and have the results available in seconds.

MicroMoney as a Solution For Financial Problem

MicroMoney is an Open Source Credit & Big Data Bureau that connects new customers to all existing financial services. MicroMoney A.I. platform uses complex algorithms to predict creditworthiness of all customers and in just 15 minutes a borrower can get their very first loan in his/her life just from their smartphone. All customers have an ability to pay less interest and have a higher credit rating, if they use our platform more often . All aggregated Big Data and Credit Histories are stored on the Blockchain. Thousands of existing businesses will get access to millions of new customers which we will bring to the global economy.

How Does MicroMoney Work?

MicroMoney was established as a company focused on micro-financing in the money lending  industry. We aim to provide the best solution to individuals and SMEs to meet their financial  needs. MicroMoney is successfully operating in Cambodia, Myanmar, and Thailand, where  our back office is located. We provide customers with online loans without any collateral requirements. Clients can get the money by just filling in the application form on our mobile app. Using machine learning algorithms, we can approve a loan in just 15 seconds and are able to deliver the funds in 1 hour. After setting up our branch in Cambodia it took only 3 months to make the business profitable. Founded in 2016, MicroMoney Myanmar is equally showing stable performance growth.

Two years of diligent work have resulted in a unique scoring technology, a wide network of  business partners, and stable business growth. As for customer feedback, our Facebook page 6 reached more than 500 thousand followers, and our app7  in Google Play has a customer rating of 4.8 out 5. We have more 95,000 registered users, of which 90 percent took out the first loan in their life. About 73% got back to us for a second loan. Currently, our retention statistic show an average of 4.5 social/emergency loans per client. 

We help our clients achieve their goals and deal with challenging life circumstances. To accomplish that, MicroMoney has formed a team of technical and business experts. We constantly update our financial products, produce educational content, and expand the business to new markets. In December 2015, we issued 21 loans, only ~$800 in total. By the end of 2017, our disbursement volume will reach $4.9 million. Two years of profitable business has proved the robustness of MicroMoney’s existing business model. The behaviour of our customers shows that there’s a high demand for micro-loans among individuals and SMEs who previously didn’t have access to financial

Token details
  1. What does AMM token represent : AMM is a utility token. The token is an integral part of the MicroMoney ecosystem and can be used as an internal payment mean or to get access to MicroMoney’s services. The token model is built so that our clients will want to use it frequently, thereby creating higher demand for the token.
  2. Symbol :  AMM
  3. Total supply (Token distribution) :  60,000,000
  4. Plan to raise :  $ 15,000,000
  5. Hard cap : $ 30,000,000
  6. Adjustable : 100% pre-mined. Any unsold tokens during the Token distribution will be burned.
  7. Token type : ERC20
  8. Can be sold before Token distribution finished : No, all tokens can be sold only after Token distribution finished.
  9. Initial price : 1AMM=1USD
Overview of Tokens
The Tokens are based on the Ethereum protocol and conform to the widely-used ERC20  standard. The utility of the Tokens may probably be enhanced over time to the extent that more Drive
Farming and Bandwidth Farming resources are added to the Network, such that the amount of storage
that can be obtained for each Token will grow. Company will not support or otherwise facilitate any
secondary trading or external valuation of Tokens.

AMM token has a lot of features within the MicroMoney’s financing platform:
  1. Premium access : AMM ownership will give access to advanced platform’s features, such as instant loan application approval on demand. 
  2. Global Credit Scoring : The more AMM you have, the better is your credit rating in Micromoney ecosystem. A person or a SME customer after each payback of loan will be awarded with AMM token. All members of Micromoney ecosystem can accumulate AMM tokens to improve their credit score and it will work in part of the world.
  3. Encouragement and rewards : Firstly, borrowers in Micromoney are rewarded with a AMM bonus for paying back their loans in time while delays cause the AMM number reducing depending on the overdue time. Secondly, if a borrower has persons vouching for him or her and all the payments made in time, the co-signers will receive the AMM token reward as well.
  4. A collateral : AMM can be used as a collateral to secure a loan application allowing customers to achieve the lower rates and the other possible privileges and discounts. 
  5. Getting free access to Customers data : Customers of our database Bureau - Banks, Financial and Insurance companies, e-commerce, retail, telecom - should have minimum balance of AMM tokens to get limited free access to depersonalized customers’ data. 
  6. Getting payable access to Customers big data & credit histories : Banks, Financial and Insurance companies, e-commerce, retail, telecom - should use tokens to pay for accessing personalized information in Big Data & Credit Histories Bureau. 
  7. Getting payable access to Decentralized A.I. Neural Network Scoring system : Banks, Financial and Insurance companies, e-commerce, retail, telecom - should use tokens to pay for accessing Decentralized A.I. Neural Network Scoring system [1}
  8. Award for Micromoney customers who agreed to share their Private Information : The depersonalized data is completely open. Personalized data is paid. Businesses can pay for data by using AMM token. If there is a request for paid data, thanks to a smart contracts, 50% of the net profit from the request goes to developing Micromoney ecosystem, 50% of the net profit goes to our borrower/customer who agreed to share his/her Private Information. Only WIN-WIN! We respect all our customers and they private information.
  9. The right to any contribution to the system to support Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations: No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reducing Inequalities.
Let's participate in introducing micromoney, we will get 4 - 36% from total reserved AMM. Here are the conditions for each participation that we follow : 

MicroMoney Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains the ways in which MicroMoney uses personal and other types of information we receive when you visit our website MicroMoney.io. This policy does not apply to the practices of companies not owned or controlled by MicroMoney or to people whom MicroMoney does not employ or manage. If you do not agree with our practices, please do not use our Site and the Services. Your access and use of the Site and Services is also subject to the Terms of Use. All terms not defined here are defined in the Terms of Use. 

Types of Information MicroMoney collect:

  • Personal Information : We collect personal information you provide us when creating an account use it to conduct client scoring. More details on the use of personal data by MicroMoney is written in the section Scoring App Powered by Artificial Neural Network in White Paper.
  • Aggregate and Anonymous Data: Aggregate and anonymous data is information does not identify you specifically, including data collected automatically when you enter our Site (“Non-Personal Data”). It may include cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, browser analysis tools and web server logs. It also includes information from the devices you use to access our Site or mobile platform, your operating system type or mobile device model, browser type, domain and other system settings, as well as the language of your system and the country and time zone of your device. Our server logs may also record the IP addresses of the devices you use to interact with the Site. We may also collect information about the website you had visited before you browsed our Site and any website you visit after leaving our Site, if this information is supplied to us by your browser. We may also use software tools, such as Javascript, to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, and methods used to browse away from the page. Non-Personal Data also includes some data collected by location services. We use Personal Information and Non-Personal Data to perform user analytics, provide customer support or compliance with the law.
  • When and Why We Disclose Personal Information and Non-Personal Data Except as provided herein, we will not display on the Site, or otherwise disclose your personal information to any third parties unless it is necessary to provide the Services, when required by law, or if we have a good faith belief that such action is reasonably necessary to:
    - comply with the current judicial proceedings, court order or legal process served on us;
    - protect our rights, property and interests, as well as by enforcing our agreements, policies and the Terms of Use;
    - respond to claims that any submitted content violates the rights of third parties;
    - respond to your customer service requests;
    - protect the rights, property or personal safety of MicroMoney, its members and the public;
    - in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company;
    - with your consent to share the information.
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Created By : Panda_Pendek
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My Ethereum Address : 0xaC13F35Eb6662986d5477267294Fe62c529A6b0d

Advantages of Investing in Hydrominer

What Is Miner ...?

A crypto currency miner provides computing capacity to solve mathematical problems. As a reward, the miner gets the crypto currency of the blockchain it is helping secure. The miner consists of a piece of equipment operating 24/7 under extremely high load, so failures and breakdowns are quite common. Miners have to be shipped to service centers for repairs, which takes time, especially if a service center is located abroad. And, every day of downtime means a loss of mining profit. HydroMiner’s power stations, however, are located within three hours from our headquarters, minimizing any downtime, thereby achieving more efficient mining. It is common practice in the industry not to disclose the details of mining facilities, including their locations, in order to preserve trade secrets and shut competitors out of inexpensive power locations. HydroMiner believes in transparency and publishes its current locations and locations financed through this Token Sale. In fact, we even offered guided tours and invite you to spend a weekend in the beautiful Alpine regions of Austria

HydroMiner is a crypto currency mining company using green energy drawn from hydro power stations in the Alpine region of Europe. Hydro power is generally thought to be one of the most effective and lowest-cost renewable energy resources. It is environmentally friendly, carbon-neutral and natural. Hydro power allows us to manage resources sustainably and enables low-emission production. What’s more, the technology is simple, controllable and has an excellent track record.

HydroMiner, found online at HydroMiner.org, is a cryptocurrency mining operation that uses hydroelectric electricity to power its miners. It also uses water-cooling to keep the rigs at a safe operating temperature. One of the criticisms of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is that they require enormous amounts of power to operate. Without cryptography, blockchain and cryptocurrencies lose their security. Unfortunately, breaking that cryptography requires lots of electricity, and much of that electricity comes from non-renewable sources.

Mining the Virtual Economy :  First of all, because it needs a lot of energy - bitcoin mining alone uses as much energy as a small European country. However, it is not always environmentally friendly and can cause an increased carbon footprint. This is the reason Hydrominer has decided to use the power stations in the Alps: to get cheap energy and to use cold water for cooling the mining equipment - this leads to greater profits and increased efficiency.

Roadmap Of HydroMiner

Challenges Met along the Way

A miner operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, under extremely high load — so, failures and breakdowns are quite common. Every downtime is equivalent to loss of money and profit — so first of all, you need a reliable monitoring software to detect problems. Hydrominer offers proprietary solutions for monitoring and gaining remote access to the miners. The space within a hydropower is usually tight. Sometimes you can not even fit equipment inside the station. So, Hydrominer has developed a standard setup built on a sea-freight container — this makes it easy for the equipment to be kept in one place, right next to a power station. The team at Hydrominer found new ways to fit the hardware inside the limited space available in such a container — nevertheless, they made sure that the cooling of the equipment is done in a proper manner. By using water cooling systems (the water comes directly from the hydro power plants), the temperature levels are easily maintained, even if the density is very high. This is crucial for the highest possible mining power, in the small place available at hydro power stations.
Hydro power offers two very interesting advantages in mining. First of all, all such factories are based in the mountain regions of Austria, which are naturally cooler. So, Hydrominer spends less for energy — it uses the water for cooling. Also, it works with a new technology for cooling — that uses 90% less space and 20% less energy. Moreover, it does not need air ventilation.

Some Advantages of Investing in Hydrominer :

  1. Environmentally friendly :Hydrominer uses hydropower to generate electricity - this makes it one of the most environmentally friendly start ups in the world. In just a few words, hydropower uses the energy of falling or fast running water to create electricity. This has been considered one of the most easy ways to harness renewable source of energy.
  2. Efficient in terms of cost : Investing in hydro power is not always an easy process, regardless of the area it is implemented in. However, Hydrominer chose one of the best places in Europe - the Alps. Here, it has a tremendous advantage - it has access to up to 85% lower energy prices than the European average. This is what makes Hydrominer so cost effective - it places the crypto mining equipment directly insides these hydro power stations!
  3. Lucrative : The vision of Hydrominer is to continuously invest in the quality of the mining equipment, in order to be among the top players of this industry. This hard work, together with a strong strategy, always brings successful results.
  4. Austrian : Part of the Western Europe, Austria has one of the strongest economies. Hydrominer is based in Vienna (capital of Austria) and offers open hours and guided tours for people who want to learn more about this company or invest in it.
  5. The team : Hydrominer would not be here today if it had not been for the great team of experts that created this startup. Many specialists in crypto mining, software and business development have united their efforts to start this new company.
Hydro Power Station in Operation 

Langenlois in Lower Austria (Hydro 1)

In Langenlois, the HydroMiner team has equipped a 290 kW hydro power station with a total of 120 units, each with between 6 and 10 GPUs. Besides installing the units, HydroMiner had to adapt the power station’s electric system to fit the equipment. Due to the very small amount of space available and the impossibility of using a co-located container, this was a very challenging project. However, this particular power station has a very stable supply of energy and is in very good condition. HydroMiner rents the whole power station and has a purchase option until the end of 2018. In Langenlois, the average price per kWh is about 4.5 cents. 

Waidhofen an der Ybbs (Hydro 2)

In Waidhofen, HydroMiner is currently equipping another power station with a maximum capacity of 700 kW. This project is realized in a smaller 20-foot container with a capacity of up to 150 GPU-based units and 100 Bitcoin miners. This power station is a large hydro power station and has just recently been overhauled. There is sufficient energy for up to 3 containers without any interruptions, even at low water levels. In this location, HydroMiner has a energy purchase contract with a variable price over time and depending on water levels.

Profit from Mining

Currently, Hydrominer owns two power stations near Vienna, Austria. They are fully up and running with an output of 60 Gigahertz mining power of Ethereum and other crypto currencies. Until now, these two were financed by Hydrominer and a few local investors. Now, being so close to the token sale, Hydrominer wants to give more investors the chance to be part of this profitable eco-friendly mining business.

How Does HydroMiner Work …?

HydroMiner is based in Vienna, Austria. The company claims to place its mining equipment “directly in hydro power stations in the Alps region”, which allows them to enjoy “up to 85% lower energy prices than European average.” Europe is one of the least miner-friendly regions in the world. Europeans pay high electricity prices, making mining not as profitable as it is in other parts of the world — say, North America, China, or any region with easy access to renewable energy sources.
In the Alps, however, the company has access to cheap hydroelectric power. They claim to have a guaranteed contract where they pay about 10 cents per kWh — which is about the average priced paid in North America for electricity.
HydroMiner claims to mine “all scalable currencies.” The platform chooses which currency to mine based on “software algorithms”. HydroMiner also jumps between mining pools.
Right now, the company is mining 40% ETH, 20% ETC, 20% ZEC, and 20% SC and others
HydroMiner owns one fully operational hydro power station, with a second one rented. The hardware is scheduled for deployment on the second one in September. The first one is in Schönberg in Lower Austria, while the second is in Murau in Styria. With further funding, HydroMiner wants to expand their operations in Styria while also branching into available power supplies in southern Germany. In terms of the actual mining operations, HydroMiner fills shipping containers with mining rigs, then drops them close to the hydroelectric dams. The company uses water-cooling to keep its miners at a comfortable temperature while also enjoying cheap electrical costs from the dam.

For More Information You are Can Visit The Link Below :
Website : https://www.hydrominer.org/
Whitepaper : https://www.hydrominer.org/wp-content/uploads/HydroMiner.pdf
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2168580.0
Telegram : https://t.me/Hydrominer
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/hydrominer/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/hydro_miner
Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/hydrominer/

Created By : Panda_Pendek
My Ethereum Address : 0xaC13F35Eb6662986d5477267294Fe62c529A6b0d