Cancer is a set of extremely lethal diseases, connected with genetic “damage” of cells. Cancer is a second cause of mortality worldwide, taking almost 10 million lives annually. Today there is no single diagnostic or treatment method for all types of this disease. It has been proven beyond doubt that the earlier the disease is identified, the higher are the chances to be cured. Early cancer diagnostics is one of the greatest hopes of humanity in curing the disease; however, it remains problematic as clinical symptoms do not reveal themselves neither to patient, nor to doctor until it's too late.
For decades scientists attempted to develop the accurate methods of early cancer diagnostics: great advancements have been made in disease understanding, but the problem remains unsolved. The hottest current approach to early cancers diagnostics is the method called “liquid biopsy” that consists in blood test looking for the traces of the cancer cells. Such approach has already been approved by FDA, but remains challenging because of numerous technological bottlenecks.
After 10 years of scientific research ARNA Genomics founders developed proprietary technological platform of liquid biopsy based on several breakthroughs, ranging from unique proprietary method of DNA amplification from the whole blood to defining the set of cancer DNAs, detection of which leads to confident diagnosis. The platform is truly fundamental and allows developing tests for many type of cancer, starting with the most notorious killers: cancers of lung, liver, pancreas, colon, ovary, and prostate.
ARNA Genomics plans to produce these tests in timely manner, however, the current focus belongs to ARNA BC, the test for Breast Cancer, the nightmare of modern women. ARNA BC demonstrates superior sensitivity and validity in the laboratory testing and appears to functionally exceed all known tests for Breast Cancer.
ARNA Genomics
We are an innovative biotechnological company, launched by a team of likeminded
scientists and businessmen and grown from the scientific and research laboratory into full
scale venture. We develop revolutionary early detection methods for select cancers in order to launch
a line of diagnostic tests for early cancer detection on the global markets.
ARNA Mission
To increase the life expectancy and significantly reduce human mortality. We relentlessly
pursue this goal through cutting edge screening methods, diagnosis correction, treatment monitoring,
and increasing patient adherence.
ARNA Innovation
ARNA Genomics has discovered a technology enabling highly specific tests
development for different cancers. Besides, the company has also developed a unique concept of
blockchain-based ecosystem-grade platform intended for use as an instrument to support R&D and
implementation of biotechnologies worldwide.
ARNA Pledge
ARNA Genomics have completed R&D for its first product - ARNA Breast Cancer test.
The test for colon cancer test is currently in an advanced R&D stage. We devote all our resources to
complete development of ARNA Panacea - a blockchain platform, that will hope will change the world
by making launch of new biotech and treatment solutions against cancers much easier, cheaper and
What is a "cancer"
"Cancer" is a large group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of mutated
cells. If their spread is not controlled, it usually results in death. Cancer is caused by both external
factors (tobacco smoking, virus deceases, certain chemicals, and exposure to radiation) and internal
factors (inherited and acquired mutations, hormonal changes, and immune conditions). These factors
may act together or in sequence to initiate and promote the cancer development. As little as one week
and as much as ten years can pass between exposure to external factors and detectable cancer.
Cancers are usually found late when first symptoms emerge and treated with varying combinations of
surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, biological therapy, and targeted therapy.
What is a breast cancer
Breast cancer ("BC") is a group of diseases that affects breast tissue. Both women and men can get
breast cancer, though it is much more common in women. Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is
the most common cancer among women in the World with nearly 1.7 million new cases diagnosed in
2012 (second most common cancer overall). This represents about 12% of all new cancer cases and
25% of all cancers in women. Also, BC is the first most common cause of death from cancer in women,
and one of the main death cause of women in many countries and the second death cause after lungs
in USA, fifth in Eastern Asia.
BC knows no boundaries. It is almost equally spread between low-income countries (883 thousand
cases annually), compared to in mid- and high-income countries (794 thousand cases). Incidence rate
ranges from 27 cases per 100 000 people in Middle Africa to 92 cases in North America.
According to current outlooks during this decade there will be 19.7 million new cases of BC registered,
including 10.6 million cases in less developed countries. During the same time this disease will take
lives of more than 5.8 million women.
Can Cancer Be Prevented?
Scientific evidence suggests that about one-third of the ~600,000 cancer deaths occurring annually in
the U.S. will be related to overweight or obesity, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition. Of these, a vast majority of cancers are caused by cigarette smoking and heavy use of alcohol and they could be
prevented completely. Certain cancers are related to infectious agents, such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), human papillomavirus (HPV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), and others, and could be prevented through behavioral changes, vaccines, or antibiotics.
In addition, many of the more than 2 million skin cancers that are diagnosed annually in the U.S. could be prevented by protecting skin from intense sun exposure and avoiding indoor tanning. Regular screening examinations by a health care professional can result in the detection and removal of precancerous growths, as well as the diagnosis of cancers at an early stage, when they are most treatable. Cancers that can be prevented or detected earlier by screening account for at least half of all new cancer cases.
Core Product - ARNA BC
Genomics has developed and validated in lab setting the efficiency of its product we call the
“ARNA BC” – breast cancer test, based on the analysis of free-circulating DNA in human blood plasma.
ARNA BC studies we've completed to date, clearly show that this test is capable to diagnose breast
cancer at all stages, including the earliest ones through specific blood plasma analysis. Lab sensitivity
and specificity of ARNA BC are both close to 95% rate. What this means is that ARNA BC currently
doesn't even have any close competition in terms of its efficiency among any other available or indevelopment
tests. And far surpassing traditional methods of BC diagnostics such as mammography
and MRI (as screening methods) followed by biopsy: Trifecta known as a “golden standard” of BC
How test “accuracy” is determined?
In general, test accuracy is determined by a number of parameters, characterizing it separately. To
calculate these parameters all the study results are entered in the following table:
a. Sick patients identified using test (true positive)
b. Healthy subjects with positive test result (false positive)
c. Sick patients not identified using the test (false negative)
d. Healthy subjects with negative test result (true-negative)
On the basis of the specified measurements, the following parameters are calculated :
- Accuracy – is a ratio of correct test results (i.e. total amount of true-positive and true-negative results) among all the patients examined. It is calculated as (a + d) / (a + b + c + d).
- Sensitivity (true positive ratio) - reflects a ratio of positive results, which are correctly identified as such, that is sensitivity of diagnostic test shows a probability, that the patient will be classified exactly as a patient. It is calculated as а / (а+с).
- Specificity (true negative ratio) - reflects a ratio of negative results, which are correctly identified as such (i.e. a probability, that healthy subjects will be classified exactly as healthy). It is calculated as d / (b+d).
- Likelihood ratio for positive and negative result – a probability, that this result of diagnostic test will be expected in the patient with the disease in comparison with a probability, that the same result will be expected in the patient without the disease. It shows, what fold higher (lower) is a probability to get this test result in patients, rather than in healthy people. It is calculated as Sensitivity / (1 - Specificity) for positive ratio, and as (1 - Sensitivity) / Specificity – for negative.
- Positive predictive value – is a disease probability in case of positive (abnormal) result of diagnostic testing (test). It is calculated as а / (а+b).
- Negative predictive value - is a probability of disease absence in case of negative (normal) result of diagnostic testing (test). It is calculated as d / (с+d).
Results of laboratory trials of ARNA BC

ARNA Panacea development
ARNA Genomics will provide to all market players working with cancer a fundamentally new way to
access and interact with the clinical trials data collection and storage environment. Using ARNA tokens
the holders would be able to pay for other system members services (e.g. cancer check-ups, tests,
etc.), get access to the medical trial data storage system for professional medical use, pay for other
system users services or start fundraising to perform a new study.
In cooperation with FDA regulator (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), ARNA Genomics will test the
corresponding Data Storage System to collect evidential base to be used by the regulator for further
product licensing opportunities (Breast cancer detection ARNA BC) for the US mass market.
ARNA Genomics will be using the existing methodology and “best practices” available for the
successful development and implementation of this solution for all members of the ARNA Panacea
ecosystem :
- Discuss and Discover: the first phase of the project would include discussion and evaluation of the key market players requirements in terms of their adaptability towards the Blockchain technology, as well as all of the technical requirements.
- Design & Prototype: this phase deals with the Blockchain node prototype development in affiliation with our trusted partners in order to evaluate and perform comprehensive functionality testing of the ARNA Panacea ecosystem.
- Development: the basic system model development will be completed during this phase.
- Deployment: this phase involves the deployment of the ARNA Panacea ecosystem as well as the involvement of new partners and market players.
- Application Support: ARNA Genomics will continue to support the system and its members for an indefinite period of time.
ARNA Panacea application for ARNA BC
ARNA BC is going to be the first diagnostic test in the history of medicine, the clinical research data of
which will be entered into the Blockchain to subsequently prove the effectiveness of our test to bring
the product to the mass consumption market.
We also plan to publish all of our further research, including the R&D stage, in the blockchain, as well
as to engage various scientific research companies working with the human genome in every possible
way, including for the cancer detection purposes.
ARNA Panacea Technical implementation
The ARNA Panacea platform is designed to collect, store and analyze the information on available and
new methods of cancer detection and treatment worldwide.
The data is stored in the blockchain and is available to all system users who have access to ARNA
Panacea. The user can get access to different levels and various types of data, depending on (a) the
user’s role in the system; (b) his direct relation to the data. We will use the platform to collect and store evidentiary information from clinical trials of our product –
ARNA BC – from the launch of the development stage.
User roles in ARNA Panacea
The list of primary ARNA Panacea user roles :
- Researcher When developing or modifying a biotechnological product, the Researcher maintains the “researcher's journal”, encrypted with his personal key. At the discretion of the Researcher, the data can be disclosed in whole or in part to either another Researcher (co-researcher) or any other member of ARNA Panacea.
- Investor / Charity giver Makes a decision to finance any of the developments presented by the Researcher (before or after the expert report). On the basis of smart contracts, the raised money guarantee the Sponsor's rate of return defined by the smart contract in case of successful introduction of technology to the market. The proceeds provided by the Sponsor to the Researcher are used to pay for other ecosystem members’ services. Also is able to makes charity contributions in ARNA tokens that can be utilized based on the results of a vote taken by the ARNA Foundation members (a crypto-currency charitable foundation, the creation of which will be announced separately beyond the framework of the current TDE).
- Patient Has full access to personal data encrypted with a personal key, which includes the access via a mobile application. Can purchase ARNA tokens and use them to pay for the testing services (or other services offered to private individuals by the ecosystem members). Receives offers from Pharmaceutical companies, Researchers, Health Clinics and Doctors to participate in research based on a smart contract that stipulates compensation payment to the Patient.
- FDA and regulatory agencies in other countries of interest Approves applications for clinical trials, monitors results during the research process and conducts post-monitoring, as well as performs other supervisory and regulatory functions regarding new technologies.
- Record keeper Issues, extends or terminates a license to use the technology (drug or medical device) in certain jurisdiction.
- CRO (Monitor) The research organization contractor coordinates clinical trials, approves research protocols in the ARNA Panacea system and monitors data collection and analysis procedures in individual clinical trials.
- Insurance company The insurance company pays for the patient testing both on the basis of insurance contracts on doctor’s orders, and before the conclusion of an insurance contract to reduce the likelihood of the policy owner having and/or being predisposed to the said disease. We are also currently considering the possibility of cooperation with insurance start-ups in the Blockchain.
- Pharmaceutical company Has access to data from clinical trials performed, as well as to patient data apart from the personal information. Has an opportunity to select patients of interest without disclosing their personal information and offer participation in research in exchange for a compensation - this information is received by all patients selected by the Pharmaceutical Company personally.Each Patient decides whether to participate in the study or not and chooses the level of private information disclosure.
- Health clinic Interacts with the system by entering data from patients undergoing clinical trials. Prepares sample blinding protocols. Historical data analysis module forms a confirmed rating of the clinic for certain diseases and the effectiveness of their treatment.
- Doctor Enters patient data and other information (in this case it’s the Health clinic sub-role). The historical data analysis module also lays down the Doctor's rating based on the results of the accumulated statistics review.
- Expert Conducts the evaluation of the results submitted by the Researcher for further report to the Regulator.
- Software developer (near-clinical mobile applications) Has an opportunity to enter and request data from the system using an open API.
- Big Data Has access to the accumulated information file via the open API interface with the functionality necessary to analyze the available data.
- Statisticians Develop biostatistical research models used in clinical trials and to verify obtained results.
Token Distributions
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