Sabtu, 14 April 2018

Pecunio is a Decentralized Investment Platform on Blue-Chip Blockchain Assets

About Pecunio 

Virtual currency runs using Blockchain technology. Arguably Blockchain is a technology that became the basis of the creation of cryptocurrency. Blockchain is an online global database-one that can be used anywhere in the world connected to the internet. Unlike other databases that are usually owned by certain institutions such as banks or governments.

The presence of blockchain makes access wider because it is able to reach all transactions without being restricted and supervised by third parties. Access speed can be increased by using the server itself, not centralized server.

And since then there has been a high demand for crypto assets in the market with the possibility of further increases. Fintech is a completely new sector in financewithout any institutions yet and financial service providers have not been able to meet rising demands for Bitcoin and/or blockchain investment solutions. Finance & Investments are still heavily underrepresented as a category, due to a lack of innovation and decentralization. It is just as of recent, that CBOE and CME group launched Bitcoin futures markets.

The latest news about the world of cryptocurency today has been created a platform with the world's first decentralized blockchain technology with the aim to facilitate investors in investing. The new platform is Pecunio (check on ).

Pecunio is a decentralized investment platform that focuses on blue-chip blockchain assets with unique value proposition and high performance potential. Pecunio’s mission is to open the cryptocurrency market to everyone with a variety of interesting products and services. As a trustworthy company, we encourage blockchain adoption and offer a safe and easy way to take part in the future of financial markets.

This means that Pecunio is a platform where users can find investors to implement their own start-ups on the one hand, in addition to this project will provide free consultation services with expert consultants in their field. which will help grow the business for all pecunio members in the interface supported by the basic crypto currency.

The unique uniqueness of this service is where clients have the opportunity to waive the cost of crypto conversion to the currency among themselves and their conversion into fiat money, in addition the user can issue a debit card that enables worldwide payments using the internal payment unit system and with the help that can instantly turn it into a sphere. This approach will allow users to avoid unnecessary costs in currency exchange transactions.

How Pecunio Works 

The user signs up to create an account on PECUNIO’s platform by providing an email address,a user name and a password. Upon confirmation via email, a personal wallet is created and he is automatically directed to the user dashboard where he finds an overview of his personal account and

After successfully transferring cryptocurrencies into his account, it is now the user’s choice whether
to spend it via the crypto card, exchange it or invest it into PECUNIO’s products. Every platform user has the opportunity to purchase into different types of products: The assetbacked token (PGC),various fund tokens (PCC, PICO, PAV), as well as the PECUNIO utility token (PCO). All platform related products and services can only be accessed with the PCO.

Technology Of Pecunio 
The asset tokens will be represented as smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Coding and customizing work will be done in Solidity, a high level programming language similar to JavaScript, targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is the runtime environment for smart contracts in Ethereum.

Pecunio is an ERC-20 TOKEN

  • Security and predictability (as opposed to having to run an independent blockchain network);
  • Use of robust and well- supported clients (Ethereum based tokens can be managed with official Ethereum clients)
  • High liquidity (interchangeable with other Ethereum based tokens or Ether);
  • Easier listing on exchanges with infrastructure already in place;
  • Ethereum smart contracts enable a transparent and secure way of value transfer.

The exchange works via a matching engine through asset proxies. The interface is therefore linked to external exchanges and addresses via the asset proxy smart contract, which complies with ERC-20 standards. This makes the exchange manipulation-safe and enables true transparency. The software will be written in a hardware-friendly programming language to maintain speed for fast transactions. As for now, for safety reasons, we decided to keep development in a closed environment - with consideration of future decentralization.

PECUNIO’s multi-wallets will accept multiple currencies and will be written in JavaScript, among other Bitcore framework. Furthermore, there will be dedicated apps for iOS and Android which assure the same functionality as the web interface. Mobile Apps will use cutting edge native frameworks to provide a fast and natural user experience.

Token Sale 

  • Pre-ICO: February 1st – 21st 2018
  • ICO: March 19th - April 19th 2018
    Bonus stages:
  • February 1st – 21st 2018: 25% BONUS
  • March 19th - April 19th 2018: 0% BONUS
  • Available in ICO: 30,000,000 PCO
  • Full supply: 100,000,000 PCO
  • Hard Cap: $ 45,000,000 US
  • Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH, LTC
  • Exchange Rate: 1 PCO = $ 1.5 US
Token Utility Function : PCOs are primarily a means of payment, „a digital coupon“, for all the services PECUNIO provides, especially ICO Services and Platform related fees. No other means of payment will be accepted. PCO allows buying of funds and native tokens on platform and acts as value transfer.

Pecunio Roadmap

To find out information related to Penucio Project, please visit the following website:

Created By : Panda_Pendek
ETH Address : 0xaC13F35Eb6662986d5477267294Fe62c529A6b0d

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